Laurel and Hardy Society Sons of the Desert Way Out West Tent Los Angeles
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Welcome to Brushwood Gulch! 

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in Brushwood Gulch

Home of the Los Angeles Chapter of the International Laurel & Hardy Society

The Way Out West Tent was founded in 1967 as the fifth chapter of the Sons of the Desert. It is named after the 1937 feature film starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. This film took place in the fictional town of Brushwood Gulch, which we have tried to recreate here. This website is divided into five categories: Gazette, General Store, Town Hall, Telegraph, and Saloon. To explore any of these sections, please click on the buildings in the image above or use the text menu located at the bottom of the page. For more information about this organization, see our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 28, 2025


What's New:

December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(1/14/25)

December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(11/25/24)

September Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(9/10/24)

June Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(6/8/24)

April Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(4/1/24)

February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(1/28/24)

December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(11/27/23)

September Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(9/15/23)

June Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(6/16/23)

April Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(3/19/23)

February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(1/9/23)

December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(11/23/22)

September Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(9/10/22)

April Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(3/31/22)

February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(1/30/22)

December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(11/30/21)

September Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(9/1/21)

May Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(5/19/20)

March-April Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(3/16/20)

January-February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(1/7/20)

September-December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(11/12/19)

September Special Event
Register for our special Saturday night event on September 21, 2019.(9/3/19)

July-August Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(08/08/19)

May-June Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(06/07/19)

March-April Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(03/20/19)

January-February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(01/08/19)

November-December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(11/28/18)

September-October Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(10/05/18)

July-August Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(7/23/18)

2018 Convention Report
News and photos from the International Convention in Cincinnati. (7/19/18)

May-June Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(5/14/18)

March-April Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(3/12/18)

January-February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(1/2/18)

November-December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(11/28/17)

2018 Membership Information
Meeting dates and information about tent membership has been updated for 2018. (11/27/17)

50th Anniversary Registration
Information for our special event to celebrate our 50th anniversary.(08/21/17)

September Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(08/21/17)

2018 International Convention
Registration forms for upcoming International Convention in Cincinnati are now available. (8/9/17)

July Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(07/17/17)

May Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(05/16/17)

March Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(03/13/17)

January Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(01/03/17)

2017 Membership Information
Meeting dates and information about tent membership has been updated for 2017. (12/07/16)

December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(11/28/16)

October-November Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(9/22/16)'s 20th Anniversary
To mark our tent's 20 years on the Internet, take a look at the way our site looked on day one.(9/19/16)

2018 International Convention
Visit the new website of the 2018 Sons of the Desert International Convention.(9/18/16)

August-September Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(8/8/16)

2016 Convention Report
News and photos from the International Convention in England. (7/22/16)

June-July Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(6/6/16)

April-May Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(4/12/16)

March Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(2/16/16)

January-February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(1/4/16)

November-December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(11/30/15)

2016 Membership Information
Meeting dates and information about tent membership has been updated for 2016. (11/30/15)

September-October Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(09/16/15)

July-August Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(07/28/15)

May-June Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(05/19/15)

March-April Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(03/17/15)

January-February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(01/04/15)

2015 Membership Information
Meeting dates and information about tent membership has been updated for 2015. (01/2/15)

November-December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(12/01/14)

September-October Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(9/25/14)

July-August Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(8/12/14)

2014 Convention Report
News and photos from the International Convention in Hollywood. (7/9/14)

May-June Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(6/9/14)

March-April Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(3/18/14)

January-February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(1/8/14)

2014 International Convention
Registration forms for upcoming International Convention in Hollywood are now available. (1/6/14)

October-December Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(12/3/13)

August-September Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(8/3/13)

June-July Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(6/3/13)

April-May Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(4/16/13)

March Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(2/26/13)

January-February Newsletter
The latest issue of the Brushwood Gulch Gazette has been updated.(1/7/13)

Photos with Dinah the Mule
Visit here to view, download, and print your photo taken with Dinah the Mule at our October Special Event.(10/21/12)

October Special Event
Our tent will celebrate its 45th anniversary at a special event on October 20, 2012.(9/24/12)

2012 Convention Report
News and photos from the International Convention in Manchester, New Hampshire. (8/1/12)

Home Videos
Our listing of Laurel and Hardy home videos has been updated. This is the most complete listing of L&H videos around. Information is provided on currently available videos, as well as those that are out of print. Links are available to order. (11/23/11)

Our links to other sites have been updated. (3/11/11)

Sons of the Desert Tent Listings
Want to join a local chapter of the Sons of the Desert? Check the official tent listings to find out who to contact.(2/26/11)

November Locations Tour
Highlights from our November tour of Laurel & Hardy filming locations. (11/16/10)

2010 Convention Report
News and photos from the International Convention in Sacramento, California. (6/17/10)

October Locations Tour
Highlights from our October tour of Laurel & Hardy filming locations. (10/26/09)

2008 Convention Report
News and photos from the International Convention in The Netherlands. (7/24/08)

Anniversary Celebration
News and photos from our 40th anniversary banquet and tours are now online. (8/1/07)

2006 Convention Report
News and photos from the International Convention in Augusta, Georgia. (7/13/06)

Annual Banquet Archive
Photos and news from our most recent annual banquets are now online.

Contact Information
W.O.W. contact info has been updated with our tent's new mailing address.

Our book list has been redesigned and updated, with new reviews and additional books.

Our new survey question asks which of L&H's mishaps with a piano is your favorite. Seven other survey questions are also available, including our "Favorite Films" survey which has been running continuously for the past six years.

Weekly Trivia
We have an entirely new trivia system available, which will automatically post a new question each week and let you know your score immediately. New questions will be posted every Saturday morning and will remain online for a week.

Guest Book & Mailing Lists:

Please take a moment to let us know who you are and where you're from. All information that you provide will remain confidential; we will never share or sell your e-mail address. We generally will NOT send you e-mail unless you select one or more of the announcement list options, to the right. We strive to provide information that you find interesting and useful while trying not to bother you with too much mail. Sign up for as many as you like; you can always be removed later, if you wish.

* First and Last Name:

* E-Mail Address:

* City:

* State (or Country):

Tent(s) you belong to (leave empty if none):

I am a member of the Way Out West Tent.

* These fields are required

Meeting Reminders
Check this box to receive reminders for Way Out West Tent meetings in Southern California.


Survey Results

Favorite Films:
Sons Of The Desert
Music Box
Big Business

Click here to vote

Weekly Trivia

This Week's Question:

Click here to answer

This Week

102 years ago this week:
"When Knights Were Cold" is released, featuring Stan Laurel. (2/12/23)

101 years ago this week:
Our Gang's "Big Business" is released, written by Stan Laurel. (2/10/24)

97 years ago this week:
"Flying Elephants" is released. (2/12/28)

97 years ago this week:
"Their Purple Moment" begins production. (2/15/28)

93 years ago this week:
"County Hospital" begins production. (2/15/32)

91 years ago this week:
"Oliver The Eighth" is released. (2/13/34)

90 years ago this week:
"The Fixer Uppers" is released. (2/9/35)

89 years ago this week:
"The Bohemian Girl" is released, two months the death of co-star Thelma Todd. (2/14/36)

82 years ago this week:
"Jitterbugs" begins production. (2/15/43)

78 years ago this week:
The boys arrive in Southampton, England, to make live appearances performing the "Drivers' License" sketch. (2/11/47)

35 years ago this week:
Henry Branden, the Evil Silas Barnaby in "Babes in Toyland," passes away in Hollywood at the age of 77. (2/15/90)

Born February 10:
Jimmy Durante - "Hollywood Party"

Born February 10:
Alan Hale, Sr. - Our Relations

Born February 11:
Anita Garvin Stanley - "From Soup to Nuts," "Blotto"

Born February 11:
Angelo Rossitto - "Babes in Toyland"

Born February 14:
Jack Benny - "Hollywood Revue of 1929"

Born February 14:
Trudy Marshall - "The Dancing Masters"

Born February 14:
Jimmy Murphy - Stan's Valet

Born February 15:
William Janney - "Bonnie Scotland"

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