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Laurel & Hardy: The Pocket Essential

By Brian J. Robb
Pocket Essentials, 18 Coleswood Rd., Harpenden, Herts AL5 1EQ
96 Pages; 2001
ISBN 1-90304-760-9 (Paperback - Pocket Edition)

Brief descriptions are provided for each of Laurel & Hardy's films, with some additional summaries of production notes and funny moments. The book does not delve into much detail, as it is only a simple reference book. Most information can be found in other number of other books. The author's "verdict" for each film is unique, in providing not only a numbered rating but also a short statement to back it up. Fan's will enjoy comparing how the author's opinion of each film differs from their own. This is a pocket-size book and there are no photos.

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